Grab some scissors and glue and help restore calm to the carton by adding faces and giving each egg its own unique personality with this The Good Egg worksheet. After, color it in as an egg coloring sheet too. This printable was created with the book The Good Egg, written by Jory John and illustrated by Pete Oswald, in mind.
This Good Egg activity is a fun and easy way to talk about good versus bad behavior, the pressures we put on ourselves, our expectations of others; even feelings and expressions.
Download the free Good Egg activity pdf below and take a look at the different faces. See what emotions your child recognizes. If you’d like to expand upon feelings, ask what emotions he or she identifies with as well. When did they feel happy or frustrated or [fill in the blank]. What happened? What actions did they take to help themselves feel better? Did those actions work?
This printable is also a good counting activity for preschooler, as well as an introduction to collective nouns or words that describe groupings. How many eggs are there in this carton? Twelve can also be expressed as a dozen. And six — that’s half a dozen. If you have all the eggs, the carton is full. Only six eggs in a 12-pack? Then the carton is half full. Or, is it half empty? Maybe that’s a little more advanced 😉