Infographics Activity for Preschoolers

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Gathering items and categorizing them is a great way to introduce preschoolers to this infographics activity — it’s the first step, perhaps the preliminary step, in research. And boy can it be fun!

For this activity, inspired by Me and the World: An Infographic Exploration, written by Mirela Trius and illustrated by Joana Casals, your child will learn to create an infographic from scratch. Ask your child review the image above and explain the activity to you. Follow their lead.

Print this free infographic template for them, then have them look around your home for crayons (or colored pencils, markets, chalk) in the same colors. Once they’ve gathered all their writing utensils in red, blue, green, and yellow, have them count how many you have in each color. So, if you have two red writing tools (1 red crayon, 1 red marker), color in two squares in red and write the number 2 next to the red crayon outside of the graph. Note: we’re suggesting mixing writing instruments since a child might only have one crayon in each color. You may choose to keep this specific to only crayons or only markers, or anything you’d like. Other things you can chart later, include: rocks (arranging by tiny, small, medium, big), sticks, playground equipment, colored signs on one specific stretch of road, etc.

Here are the four steps illustrated above:

  1. Print the free infographic template for preschoolers

  2. Gather all the crayons in the colors seen on the free infographic template (and/or markers, colored pencils, chalk, etc.)

  3. Separate your crayons (writing utensils) by color

  4. Color in the chart to show how many crayons (writing utensils) you have in each color

Here are some book-based talking points:

  1. What was your favorite infographic in the book? Why?

  2. On the page about PETS, did you recognize any of the most popular dogs from walks around your own neighborhood? If so, which one(s)?if you could eat one breakfast every day of the week, which would you choose for Monday? Tuesday? Etc.

  3. Which of the breakfasts from the BREAKFAST FOODS AROUND THE WORLD seemed the yummiest to you?

  4. Do you wear a uniform to school? If you had to pick one (or pick a different one), which would you choose from the UNIFORMS infographic and why?

  5. Did your favorite sport make it onto the SPORTS AROUND THE WORLD pages? If yes, how popular was it?

  6. Do you play any of the playground games from the PLAYGROUND GAMES AROUND THE WORLD infographics? Which one(s)? Are there any games you might want to try? Which ones? What seems fun about them?

  7. Choose an infographic in this book that you’d like to talk about.

  8. Is there anything in this book that you didn’t understand?

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