Robot Says: Movement Game for Kids

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Play a game centered on listening, following instructions, and movement! This preschool game or activity was inspired by the book BOY+ BOT but can be used anytime you’d like an engaging indoor activity. It’s particularly great for a rainy day.

Here are the four steps illustrated above:

  1. Have an adult or older child read the list of commands. This person is the robot and if you’re up to it — speaks in a robot-like voice. Click here to download a list of suggested commands.

  2. The child listens. She or he needs to hear the words: “Robot says” in order to fulfill the command. So, if the adult says “Robot says hop on one foot,” the child would hop on one foot. If the adult says “Lift your right knee,” the child would not do that because the adult did not say “Robot says,” It’s basically the old-fashioned tried-and-true game of Simon Says, but with a robot theme.

  3. The child follows the first command.

  4. When appropriate, the child follows the next command. Consider changing roles and having your child give you commands too.

Here are some book-based talking points:

  1. What was your favorite part of the book? Why?

  2. What happens that Bot stops responding to Boy?

  3. What does Boy try to do to help Bot?

  4. How does Bot power on again?

  5. What does Bot see when he’s back on?

  6. What does Bot do help?

  7. Why does the inventor say to stop?

  8. Have you ever tried to help someone? What did you do? How did it feel to help? What happened?

  9. What does “affirmative” mean?

  10. Is there anything in this book that you’d like to talk about?

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