This climate change book for kids is the most charming book we’ve read in a while. In Harold the Iceberg Melts Down, written by Lisa Wyzlic and illustrated by Rebecca Syracuse, Harold can’t sleep. He’s up at 2 am watching a documentary on climate change and how it’s melting the icebergs. The problem: he can’t see his full produce sticker, he only sees the iceberg part — so he thinks he is an iceberg and that he is melting. He doesn’t realize he’s an iceberg lettuce.
When mom first read this book she read it slowly. She pointed out the sticker. She showed me where the lettuce part was not easy to see. I didn’t need her to do that. I laughed out loud! How silly that Harold thinks he’s melting. My mom told me he gets nervous, like anxious, about things. I told her he should be worried about being eaten, not melting.
Oh, how I loved, loved, loved this book. I love how Harold takes action right away. I love that he gets help from his vegetable friends. I love that he makes signs. And I love the helpful things his friends say to try to help him calm down. They offer him some water, they suggest they all count to 10 together, they even invite him to blow some bubbles.
The end of the book has tips from Harold to help combat climate change, and tips to help everyone, even you and me, calm down when our feelings get too big. I was really surprised to learn blowing bubbles was so helpful. I love bubbles! Mom explained that blowing bubbles is terrific because it means I have to take deep breaths and slow down to make the bubbles; plus, then I can pop them, which I find really satisfying.
I highly recommend Harold the Iceberg Melts Down. Mom knew I would the minute she read the description. She requested a copy of the book, which we received for free in consideration for this review. I couldn’t be happier! Some of my books I donate a few months later, but not this one! I’ll be keeping this book on climate change for years to come!
Here’s a worksheet on climate change for preschoolers that we made to use with the book.
- Book: Harold the Iceberg Melts Down
- Written by: Lisa Wyzlic
- Illustrated by: Rebecca Syracuse
- Age Range: 3-6
- Board Book: 40 pages
- Publisher: Feiwel & Friends (March 21, 2023)
- ISBN-13: 978-1250830623
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