Toilet Paper Robot

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Follow these easy steps in the video to make a toilet paper robot, inspired by the one you read about in BOY + BOT.

You’ll need:

  • 1 toilet paper roll

  • Silver paint

  • 2 pipe cleaners

  • Bits of colored paper (or white paper to color and crayons)

  • Scissors (and your adult)

  • Glue (and your adult)

  • 3 colored beads ( we used red)

  • Black pen or marker


  1. Paint the toilet paper roll silver; set aside to dry.

  2. Draw two small circles (maybe 1/2 an inch in diameter or smaller) on white paper

  3. Draw two even smaller circles on black paper (or paper you’ve colored black); set aside

  4. Cut a yellow rectangle (or white paper you color yellow) that’s about 2-inches tall and 2.5-inches wide

  5. Glue the yellow rectangle you’ve just made on top of a larger piece of paper, leaving some space around the sides so that the yellow paper appears to be inset.

  6. Draw a tiny circle on a different colored paper ( we used green) and again on one more colored paper (we used some of our left over yellow paper), these circles will be the pretend buttons.

  7. Cut out all the circles

  8. Glue one black circle onto a white circle; repeat to make two eyes

  9. Glue the eyes onto the upper portion of the toilet paper roll; glue the rectangle horizontally as a belly screen; and glue both button underneath the belly

  10. Cut each pipe cleaner in half

  11. On the side of the robot, where the arms should be, have an adult make a tiny hole using scissors, then push the tip of the pipe cleaner through the hole and repeat for the other side. Once done- reach inside the roll and flatten the pipe cleaner from inside to hold it in place

  12. Add beads to the outside of each pipe cleaner arm to protect a child from accidentally being scratches and to look like “hands”

  13. Add one more bead to one of the left over pipe cleaner pieces, then glue a portion of the pipe cleaner along the inside of the roll to serve as an antenna

  14. Use a pen or marker to draw a rectangular-like smile and to draw a jagged chart-like line across the belly screen

Looking for an easy preschool craft at home? Check out these videos: