This animal tracks children’s book is one of the very best books I’ve played with! It’s called Life-Sized Animal Tracks and written by John Townsend. And boy oh boy, do I love comparing my foot to the footprints of some of the big animals mentioned in the book! The best part… the animal footprints are true to size! I get to learn a lot of cool facts and fold out pages to see how my little feet compare to gigantic feet, like an elephant’s. It’s important to note this book is actually for older kids, those ages 7 to 9, but, you know, that never stops us from reviewing a book for our 3 to 5 year old readers when we find it to be so AMAZING!
Mom likes that I’m sooooo excited by this animal tracks children’s book. She loves that the animal prints are to scale. She also likes the variety. The book features prints left by mammals and reptiles from across the globe. Plus, there seems to always be a print related to another book I’m reading. For example, there’s a squirrel footprint, which comes in handy when I read books like Scaredy Squirrel.
The elephant footprint is our family’s favorite. It folds out to show the hind foot (that means back foot) of an elephant. It is HUMONGOUS! It needs approximately four sheets of 8.5 inches by 11 inches of paper to make one hind foot happen. Each animal print has a map showing where the animal lives and interesting tidbits and important words. I learned a herd of elephants is what you call a group of elephants. And, did you know elephants drink 46 gallons of water a day?! Mom said that’s 92 of my (1/2 gallon) milk cartons A DAY! The other page in the book I kept turning back to was the one on the red fox footprint. I was happy my foot was bigger than the foot of a red fox. I couldn’t get past the fact that they search for food at night. I kept asking mom to re-read that part to be sure she read it right.
Other animals tracks in this book include: African Cheetah footprint, American Alligator footprint, European Rabbit footprint, even a Gecko, which reminded me of a cartoon I sometimes see called Gecko’s Garage!
This book is super fun! If you have a kid that loves animals and wildlife — get it!
Buy the Book on Amazon or Buy the Book on BookShop
Mom also got these animal prints flash cards to go with the book. I LOVE these! I know most of the animal prints by heart now!


Animal Tracks Activity — Look closely at the ground to help match each animal with its footprints so they can reach the other side!

Match Animal Footprints – Draw a line from the animal and its sample footprint to its other animal footprint!

Dot to dot Alligator Foot — Connect the dots to draw a true-to-size alligator foot. Then trace your foot in the space beside it. Is your foot bigger than an alligator’s foot?

HOW TO MAKE ANIMAL TRACKS WITH YOUR TOYS! Find two or more plastic toys. Ideally, animal toys, and some washable paint or play dough for this fun preschool animal tracks activity!

MAKE A FLAMINGO HANDPRINT: Did you know you can use your hand to make prints too? Here’s an easy craft for preschoolers that goes step by step on how to use your hand to make a flamingo!
- What was your favorite animal print in Life-Sized Animal Tracks?
- Was your foot bigger than any of the animal prints? If yes, which one?
- Did any part of the animal footprints book surprise you?
- What do you call many lizards together? (Answer: a lounge of lizards)
- What is a hind foot?
- Do you have hind feet?
- Name two animals that have hind feet?
- Is there anything in this book that you didn’t understand?
- Is there anything specific about this animal tracks book you’d like to talk about?
- Book: Life-Sized Animal Tracks
- Written by: John Townsend
- Edited by: Jacqueline Ford
- Designed by: Isobel Lundie
- Wildlife Consultant: John Rhyder
- Age Range: 7 to 9
- Illustrated edition: 48 pages
- Publisher: Book House (February 6, 2018)
- ISBN-13 : 978-1912006106